Now in beta: OAuth 2.0, File type permissions, and Sync API 1.1

// By Steve Marx • Jun 24, 2013

Update: The Sync and Datastore SDK has been deprecated. Learn more here.

If you’re not a regular visitor of our developer forum, you may have missed three new API features we released in beta:

  • OAuth 2 – The Core API now includes beta support for OAuth 2. OAuth 2 brings better support for client-side JavaScript and other client apps, and all apps benefit from registering redirect URIs and simplified authorization. Visit the docs to read about the new endpoints, or use the beta builds of the PHP, Python, Java, Ruby, and JavaScript Core API SDKs available on the forum.

  • File type permissions – There are lots of times where you want to access files outside of an App folder, but your app doesn’t need access to everything, just the right things. File type permissions let your app access just the class of files it needs. You can use it now with the existing Core API SDKs and the beta Sync API SDKs. For instructions on how to set up a new File type permission app, visit the forum.

  • Sync API 1.1 SDKs – New versions of the Sync API SDKs add support for the new File type permission, thumbnails, shareable links, and faster performance with better battery life. You can download the beta of Sync API 1.1 on the forum.

We hope you enjoy these new beta features. As always, please share your feedback on the forums!

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